We at the Election Analytics team at the University of Illinois have worked tirelessly to provide an aesthetically appealing, useful and extremely detailed perspective on the elections in the United States. Download our app or visit our website at
to get daily forecasts of the race for the White House!
Election Analytics tracks and analyzes polling data to forecast who will win the United States Presidency and which party will secure control of the United States Senate. Without any political commentary or partisan opinion, Election Analytics delivers the facts in a simple, concise format. Election Analytics, a student run STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning laboratory, uses Bayesian statistics and operations research methodologies to make sense of the daily stream of polling data reported in the national media. Election Analytics provides a snapshot of the current state of the election, forecasting the outcome if the election was held today. Available since 2008, Election Analytics provides a full history of its performance.
Forecasts for the Senate will be added when sufficient polling data becomes available.